Everybody knows that the Valentine’s Day, or Saint Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14 each year and popular in Western countries. However, it is also more and more popular among young lovers in China.But do you know its historical facts? A popular hagiographical account of Saint Valentine of Rome states that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment,...
The 2014 Winter Olympics, or the 22nd Winter Olympics, is a major international multi-sport event being held in Sochi, Russia.Scheduled for 7–23 February 2014, opening rounds in figure skating, skiing, and snowboard competitions were held on the eve of the Opening Ceremony, 6 February 2014. Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics are being organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee (SOC). Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007, during the 119th IOC Session held in Guatemala City. It is the first Olympics in...
以電子書為代表,用顯示文字和照片的液晶顯示屏來代替紙張的做法已經越來越普遍。在這種情況下,解析度成了衡量視認性的指標。紙質印刷品的解析度約為350dpi(dots per inch),液晶顯示屏要想代替紙張,就要具備與之不相上下的解析度。 有但願代替紙張的液晶屏是夏普在日本半導體能源研究所的協助下於2012年4月開始量產的『igzo液晶屏』。夏普在2012年6月的發布會上展出了解析度為498ppi(pixels per inch)的igzo液晶(圖1)。 圖1:夏普在2012年6月的發布會上展出的498ppi的igzo液晶屏 圖2:配備4.8英寸、全高清igzo液晶屏的『aquos phone zeta sh-06e』。 以前,液晶...
日本顯示器公司於2014年1月9日公布,已經開始量產供貨可實現超低功耗的反射型存儲器內置式液晶模塊。與以前的產品比擬,新產品可大幅削減耗電量,使可穿著設備能夠長時間使用。除了可穿著設備以外,該公司還設想將新產品用於電子書終端等用途。 日本顯示器表示,因為反射型顯示屏可以反射外部光線來顯示,因此『可省去會消耗液晶模塊約80%電力的背照燈』。存儲器內置技術可通過像素中嵌入的存儲器來保留圖像信息。在顯示靜止圖片時,圖像數據只寫入一次,之後就可以持續保留該數據,由此可實現超低功耗的圖像顯示。 而且,日本顯示...
Dear All:We will have Spring Festival from Jan 25 to Feb 6. During holiday, your inquries will be also welcome. For any urgent inquries or questions, please contact Mr. Amon Poon by amon@peboz.com at any time. We will reply your inquries as soon as possible when we come back to office. Thank you !
本站刚刚报道过65.49.2.178的DNS解析攻击事件,现在又发现一个有趣的现象,如下图,DNSPOD也给挂上有趣的代码,相信大家对这张图非常熟悉吧!大家可以打开网站去测试下,过了事件就不一定有得看了哦! 哦,现在好像只有google浏览器才能看了!不过小编以不入流的技术,把这串代码给拷贝下来了,大家可以试试看~ 点击后按F12查看 下面附上一张让大家有印象的图:
2014年1月21日下戰書,15時左右開始,中國大陸大量互聯網域名的DNS解析泛出問題,一些著名網站及所有不存在的域名,均被錯誤的解析指向65.49.2.178摘要: 多個遞歸服務器(,,竟然同時把某某域名解析到65.49.2.178!首先排除DNSPOD的問題,竟然發現L根直接回復的A記實。這次問題搞大了!不是GW的問題,就是根域名服務器的問題啊根據大量用戶反饋,從15:20左右,全國泛起大范圍DNS故障,包括weibo等良多網站被解析到65.49.2.178上。 @王岩_超級蒼蠅:貌似發生大事件了? 大量域名(有效的和無效的)被解析到65.49.2.178 ... 詭異所有不能正常...